Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2011
The term heartwood is a term proper to the Botany (branch of the biology dealing with the study of vegetables). In this area, heartwood is called that central, drier, dark and hard part of the trunk and thickest branches of trees.
That is, the heartwood will be that wood which is occupying almost the entire portion corresponding to the center of the trunk in question or to the corresponding tree branches. Popularly, the heartwood is often called heart From the wood.
The heartwood is made up of cells that are biologically dead, meanwhile, the only function they assume is to provide the trunk of the tree a solid and resistant internal structure with which to hold the important weight of tree canopies and branches in general.
Surrounding the heartwood appears a thinner and less prominent area called sapwood, which is usually of a lighter or different color than that of the heartwood, which is usually darker.
Refering to endurance, the sapwood is much less hard, heavy and strong compared to the heartwood, a situation that makes it much less resistant to the common attack caused by the
mushrooms and insects, therefore and on the contrary, because they are under the effect of saturation of certain preservative substances produced by the same tree, the heartwood is show much more resistant to the action of insects and fungi. Themes in Duramen