Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Francisco Cano, in May. 2014
Braided cable example. The metallic is an extra coating to protect it from external radiation.
A connection means many things. From being part of something, to having a bond affective or family. For the purposes of this Article We will define connection as an electronic device that connects to another electronic device, sometimes through another electronic device. This is as simple as saying, I have my computer, this connects to my service provider Internet through another device called a router or modem. That two or more elements have a connection, means that they are communicating with each other and that they use the same language to speak between them and thus be able to exchange information. The language in the case of networks, it is the protocol (actually a word that describes a language or language) called TCP / IP. It consists of a series of routines that the Connection pretty reliable. As we can check when connecting to the Internet.
A connection can be established with
braided cable or with coaxial cable. Braiding is a cable that has multiple cables inside that go in the form of a braid, this way prevents the different “currents” (which are nothing other than data) from interfering with each other. The braiding of cables also serves so that they do not act as an antenna. Not being twisted, it would mean that they would absorb the electromagnetic radiation of the environment (radio waves, television, etc.) and interference would occur that would make the connection quite difficult, due to the amount of waves that would travel inside the cable. This type of connection is the most used compared to coaxial (television antenna type cable).Coaxial cable. The tangle of wires on the white plastic is to isolate the wire from the center.
The coaxial cable or television antenna is used rather little, due to its little flexibility, although above all because the network connection system of most companies is not prepared for this. technology. With the arrival of the optical fiber the use of this type of cable is spreading more and more. This is especially true in large cities, where it is more profitable to run fiber optic cable underground.
With fiber optics, you can work connected to a server that is 500 kilometers from distance, as if you were working with a disk that was on your own computer or on a server connected to a local network or within your own home.
There is also the electrical connection that allows the devices to start up.
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