Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2009
It is called review to that reaction u personal opinion on a certain topic, generally, human beings, through criticism we manifest not only our personal opinions on x topic, but we also judge the beauty, ugliness, evil or goodness of a person or thing.
Depending on their intention, we find three different types of criticism: positive, negative and constructive. As is easily deduced from the denominations, the positive is one that is oriented to produce a change for the better on what it criticizes, while, in the case of the negative, of course, there is no altruistic end that is present in the positive, but on the contrary, in the negative, the objective is to destroy before everything.
And finally, in the case of constructive, of course accompanying criticism, solutions will be proposed to the problems or to the state of things of which criticism is the object, with an absolute composing spirit and to promote above all things the common good of those involved.
Many studies aimed at describing or anticipating the behavior of subjects have concluded that constructive criticism is widely positive in work team contexts, since once the person understands that criticism is not something personal against someone's work or way of being will help maintain unity, synergy and strengthen relationships between members of the team.
While a very common example of criticism is the journalistic critic, which is framed within the gender journalistic opinion and in which the opinion that the author of the same one has about a production artistic or cultural. Although opinion is what matters, counts and characterizes this type of journalistic article, it is also necessary that it be accompanied by accurate information and description about the criticized topic.
So that a criticism does not remain solely as the capricious preference or contempt that a person professes on a artistic piece, it must be composed of solid, well-founded arguments that have been duly checked. But criticism will not only be reduced to movie theater, to the theater, the music or television, but areas such as sport wave gastronomyThey also usually have a space for criticism.
Also, the term criticism is widely used as a qualifying adjective to describe the negative magnitude that an event has had in a given context. For example, in journalism, it is very common for communicators, when they want to give an account of a catastrophe, use the term critical to refer to the seriousness that the aforementioned shows.
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