Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
When speaking of generation in a social and human sense, it may be referring to two different types of elements. In the first place, generation is the capacity that human beings have to elaboration of products, phenomena or events of various kinds. However, the most common and widespread meaning for this term in the social field is that which has to watch with the age groups developed in succession and that have features customary, ethical and cultural specific.
The concept of generation used in the sense of social age groups is undoubtedly one of the most interesting for the Humanity. This concept tells us about indefinite sets of individuals that are born in a similar period of years (approximately between ten and thirty years of time are enough to mark a generation) and that they share cultural, moral or belief elements that have marked their lives.
It is through this sense that the term generation combines social and cultural elements with biological elements. and physical, since the latter also vary (although minimally) over time, adapting to the peculiarities of each epoch. For example, in some countries of the
Third World, there is talk of undernourished generations and with negative future expectations due to the lack of development of all the biological and physical capacities of a human being average.It interesting of the succession of generations is that many times it happens that within the same family group they can coexist numerous realities and ways of seeing the world since children coexist with parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents. Typically, a family with three generations is the most common case of generational coexistence, although many times the cultural or social differences between pairs of generations are not clearly delimited.
Currently, from the second half of the 20th century onwards, Western societies have undergone changes cultural so significant that every ten years a new generation succeeds one another with interests, perspectives, attitudes and values completely opposite to the previous one and to the one that will follow in the historical line.
Generation Topics