Definition of Pedestrian Path
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2010
The concept of pedestrian path is one that is applied to the urban road sector in which they can to walk pedestrians or people on foot freely.
In the same way that many other road elements, the pedestrian path has as its final objective the organization of the circulation not only of cars but also also, and mainly, of pedestrians, giving them a safe space to cross and cross blocks and also forcing cars and other vehicles to respect it.
The pedestrian path (known in some countries also as a zebra crossing to recall the combination of white stripes and black that characterize the zebra) is a specially designated space on the public highway for pedestrians to cross. It is easily recognizable because it is a relatively wide column composed of horizontal white lines through which people are allowed to cross. The name of the zebra crossing is such because in combination with the black asphalt typical of public roads, the white stripes are reminiscent of this animal.
If a pedestrian crosses a crosswalk and is hit, the responsibility for the accident falls on the driver
If the run over occurs in an inappropriate place, the responsibility It may be the pedestrian or the driver, as it depends on the circumstances in which the accident occurred. On synthesis, pedestrians and drivers may have responsibilities in collisions.
Safety measures that every person on foot must respect
When crossing the street you have to observe with attention the traffic. At the same time, it is necessary to be aware of changes in traffic lights. You have to walk on the sidewalks and cross only through the pedestrian crossings.
In the code of circulation indicates that drivers must take the necessary precautions to guarantee the safety pedestrians, especially those with reduced mobility, such as pedestrians kids children, the elderly and people with some disability.
They are always found on the corners of the streets and their main objective is to organize pedestrian traffic as well as protect them from cars that pass through each street or avenue. This is so because cars must always stop behind the pedestrian path at a red traffic light, thus ensuring a comfortable and spacious space for people on foot.
They are never in the middle of a street as it is considered highly dangerous for a pedestrian to cross that space instead of corners (the middle of the street is always the space where vehicles accelerate). In many cases, they are also a priority for pedestrians in the event that cars are also allowed to pass (for example, when they turn a corner and there is a pedestrian path in it).
Themes in Pedestrian Path