Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2014
The word serendipity It is not one of the most used in our Spanish language and does not even belong to it, being that it was adopted and adapted from their language English (serendipity), which appropriately took it from the original Arabic (Serendib) where it called the island Ceylon, recognized by a anecdote that tells that in it there were three princes who had the Don of accidentally discovering the answers to problems.
These details about its origin are the ones that ultimately gave it the meaning of its use in our language where it is used precisely to refer to that discovery made accidentally, that is, who ends up being responsible for the find did not look for it in any way, much less, but arrived at it purely by chance.
Not all, but there are many outstanding discoveries in our history that respond to the aforementioned situation. They were not sought from any point of view, there was not even a question in this regard, but suddenly there was the discovery that allowed us to advance in an important sense or aspect of life.
In science, for example, many times there was this situation of looking for the solution to a certain thing and suddenly the scientific world was paralyzed because a vaccine was found or a transcendent cure for a medical condition or the answer to something that had long been coming searching.
Another historical case that was achieved by total and absolute serendipity was the Discovery of America by the navigator Christopher Columbus. History tells us that Columbus was actually looking for a new safe and direct route to India in order to achieve a more direct market to trade. the stars of that time: the spices, however, the few details that until that moment were had in geographical matters led him to Columbus to discover a new continent with a lot of riches neither more nor less.
When we said at the beginning of the review that this word was not one of the most used in our language to refer to the aforementioned we must indicate that this is so because there are others that have more frequent use, such is the case of: by chance, carom or luck.
Themes in Serendipity