Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2013
The term of spelling It allows refer to that sign or to the series of signs with which they are represented in writing, be it a sound or a spoken word.
While, by sign, refers to what we use spontaneously or by convention when trying to account for or represent an idea or thing.
To better understand it, we will provide an example, the image of a red capital E crossed by a red oblique line will tell us that in that place where it appears ready, it is not allowed one to park a vehicle, for example, we must avoid parking it there since doing so we may suffer the consequences of doing so, such is the case of being fined for the authority traffic.
Meanwhile, in the sign we find two elements, on the one hand the signifier, which is what we see, feel, in our example it would be the capital E crossed by a red oblique line, and on the other hand the meaning, which is that idea, which of course we cannot touch and which the sign in question transmits to us.
The science that deals with the study of signs is
the semiotics. And with regard to signs, it distinguishes between conventional signs, which indicate something concrete, stipulated, and the indications, which are those that are established by the action of nature and will not always mean the same for everyone.On the other hand, spelling, is one of the most widely used suffixes in our language, which has a Greek origin and can refer to questions such as: writing, description and image.
Also, this suffix is contained in the denomination of many sciences (geography, hydrography, demography, etc.), literary genres (Biography, autobiography) and concepts related to writing (orthography, typography, calligraphy, among others).
Normally, the word spelling is usually replaced in its use by its synonyms letter and writing, to name the most popular.
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