Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Guillem Alsina González, in Nov. 2016
Although the name match can make us think in that this is a derivative of the language of programming Java developed by Sun Microsystems, this is not so.
JavaScript is an interpreted programming language, which is commonly used on sites web to execute actions on the client side, being embedded in the source code of the web page
Technically, it constitutes a dialect of the ECMAScript standard, proposed by the international entity for information and communication ECMA International and designed initially by Netscape and later by the Mozilla Foundation. It is also an ISO standard.
Although it receives in its syntax and way of working a greater inheritance of the C language, it also adopts names and conventions that we find in Java, although they remain at that, in similar "cosmetics".
Due to its general purpose and use, all modern web browsers correctly interpret JavaScript, being a universal and cross-platform language. And, usually, its use by developers is related to the user interface presented by the website.
JavaScript allows, in a web page, to create elements such as dialog boxes, collect information entered by the user and send it to the server to be processed
Being an open language and modifiable in elements such as syntax, it is given to the creation of variants and dialects. This is the case of Microsoft, which has its own implementation under the name of JScript, which is used both in the browserInternet Explorer as in your operating system under the name Windows Scripting Host.
Although JavaScript is understood mainly from the side of the clientThere are also several server-side implementations that are widely used. The main one of these implementations for the server side is Node.js.
Over time, JavaScript has evolved, including functionality from other languages more advanced, such as classes for object-oriented programming, or modules for the reuse of source code
But despite these changes and updates, JavaScript maintains backward compatibility:
- It is a structured and imperative language, taking as a model the programming structure of the C language
- Dynamic types, so that when we define the value of the variable, the data type is defined
- Object-oriented, with functions that are considered as objects
- The objects and methods by which the language can interact with the user are limited by the execution environment, such as the browser.
- Like Perl, it supports regular expressions
Photos: Fotolia - Sentavio / Hanss
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