Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2014
The concept of recent we use it with recurrence in our language to account for what is characterized by having been done a moment ago, a short time ago, that is, it has just been produced, it has just happened. That is, if we take the present time, from now, a situation that happened two minutes ago, we will say that it will be recent. My sister just called me and confirmed tonight's dinner at her house.
In the production artistic of a interpreter it will be said that the last album he released is his most recent work.
Therefore, this word is also widely used as synonymous with new. The new is recent because it has just appeared or been made.
Undoubtedly, it is a term that we constantly use in our language and to refer to the most diverse issues that happen, happen, in the most immediate present time.
Many times in our comments and conversations we need to specify when this or that thing happened and then in this sense it is that the recent term finds a important use.
Normally, it is those issues or situations that just happen that we remember the most and also those that can most affect our mood. When they are pleasant circumstances and that fill us with joy will obviously positively influence our conductHowever, when what has happened recently is not nice or pleasant, such as the lost of a very loved one, without a doubt, will affect us in a very negative way in the way we act and think.
Something similar happens with what affects our physique or body, for example, if we have suffered a accident in which the arm was broken, as soon as it happens, pain and discomfort will dominate us, that is, if the fall it was recent we will feel discomfort but the more time passes that pain will relax until disappear.
Is a law naturally we remember or feel more about what just happened.
The opposite term is that of old, because it precisely refers to something that already has a long time under its belt.
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