Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2010
The term recruit refers to the action of enlisting recruits to carry out a mission or special objective in any field, whether in a company, in an army, in a investigation journalism, in a non-profit organization, among other options.
In other words, it is an action that consists of bringing together as many people as possible to carry out a purpose.
Gather people to achieve a mission or objective
Meanwhile, this action will involve a series of procedures specialized skills that will be implemented in order to attract a significant number of suitable candidates for the realization of the aforementioned mission, or failing that, to occupy a specific position in a organization.
Task carried out in companies by the area of Human Resources and what the search and evaluation of the candidates presented
A recruitment process is generally carried out by the person who will lead the mission or by an individual with the capacities to do so and to whom this task has been delegated, normally in companies, this task is in charge of the area from Resources Humans.
The aforementioned process begins with the search for the most suitable candidates and will end once they have been presented responding to the request that was sent.
Then comes the selection of the best based on evaluations of their knowledge and the skills they present for the task or position in question.
A common modality when it comes to knowing more in depth what the candidate knows how to do and what he thinks about life is the interview personal.
Likewise, in addition to the technical evaluation, psychological evaluations are usually carried out on the candidates to determine if they are trained to cope with the psychological pressures that normally arise when a job has large requirements.
Also to these evaluations, clinical analyzes are usually added to make sure that the applicant is in a good state of health and that then he will be able to face the tasks assigned to him.
Recruitment techniques
There are a huge variety of techniques and procedures when recruiting personnel, among the most common are the following: applications received, recommendations, unions, internal promotions of the organization, specialized agencies in personnel placement, job boards of Universities, job fairs, social networks, Internet, mass media, such as the famous section of job offers in the morning, among others alternatives.
To cover those very specific jobs, of qualified professionals, it is common for companies to turn to university job boards where you will find specially trained individuals homework.
The recommendations are also often used a lot, especially in those cases in which a person of confidence For some work, then, this being the most important condition, it is common to appeal to the recommendation of someone who is known to be a person who inspires confidence.
Military: enlisting conscripts for military service
In the military field this concept is attributed the reference of enlisting recruits.
Recruits are those individuals who enlist for military service until they complete the period of basic training.
The recruitment mission in this context is clearly intended to add individuals to the force.
It may be forced, or voluntary, after the development of a campaign that is carried out with the aim of recruiting new personnel. Potential soldiers are offered various benefits and advantages if they add to the force.
In many countries of the world where military service is no longer compulsory, this type of action is promoted to add people to the various forces of safety.
In many cases it turns out to be the job opportunity for many young people who have not pursued a university degree but who They do want to improve their work and life situation, and it is precisely the security forces that offer them this possibility.
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