Definition of labor reform
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jul. 2013
The concept that we will discuss below has a use excluding in the labor sphere and it is made up of two terms.
Legislative initiative that seeks to modify some aspects that regulate labor relations, to provide flexibility to the market, and for employers to create more jobs
It is called reform to the action and the result of reforming, inasmuch as this action implies the redo, modify or amend something, a behavior, an issue, among others.
Meanwhile, the concept of labor is used to designate everything that relative or proper to the job, especially what concerns legal and economic issues.
So, the labor reform consists of a program that is especially aimed at the creation of new jobs or may also imply the modification of some aspects inherent to the law labor for various purposes: increase productivity, lower costs, among others, and that can have a positive or negative impact on the labor market depending on the items to be reformed..
The ideal and positive mission of this reform is to favor the creation of new jobs through modifications in the law that favor companies so that they starting from the possibility of reducing costs and having fewer risks, encouraging them to hire more workers than in another context, that is, without these reforms, it will not would do.
Parliament or Congress is the body empowered to carry out said reform
The way to make this mission effective is the legislative, that is, to introduce modifications in this aspect in a nation the participation of the legislative body that is the one in charge of sanctioning the rules and laws.
In the parliament the discussion between the legislators takes place and if there is agreement and majority, will proceed to the modification.
Now normally, it is the executive power of a nation who, based on the observation of the economic, social and labor situation of the country and the need to generate reforms in the field of work, promotes projects and installs them in Congress or Parliament for debate, since as we said, only there You will find a free way for approval, or failing that, it will be questioned and reviewed, and if applicable, corrections will be made to the proposals.
For example, to initiate the creation of new jobs it will be necessary to introduce in the Labor legislation new alternatives in terms of hiring employees.
For example, it is that the labor reform is materialized in a law that once sanctioned must be promulgated and regulated by the competent bodies in these aspects.
Job instability, junk contracts and layoffs, some issues that are proposed to be resolved
It should be noted that in many countries a reform in labor matters has been introduced with the intention of solving some of the main Context complications such as: job instability in some sectors, lack of access to the labor system suffered by the younger sectors of the population, supplant temporary contracts or garbage for indeterminate ones, and that dismissal is a last resort for the company, among others.
Undoubtedly, the application of these benefits will tend to benefit competition, production, an increase in the average salary, investment, among other issues, within the workplace.
When the reform punishes workers and rewards employers
But we cannot ignore that there is another side of the coin on this issue and in some countries that have carried out labor reforms, the aims were neither progressive nor They thought about the welfare of the workers, but only the benefit of employers, and then they ended up precarious the labor situation of many workers.
Taking into account this situation is that when a government raises the need for a labor reform, suspicions, doubts arise and jump the voices against if it is discovered that it does not seek to improve the conditions of workers and proposes the opposite.
It is the unions who give the first warnings to the governments, demonstrating against the reforms through of strikes and demonstrations in public spaces or symbolic places, such as the ministries of job.
Unfortunately there are many governments that promote labor reforms to favor business groups and do not do so for the benefit of the workers, they hide behind that supposed purpose to obtain them also some economic retribution or politics from the powerful business community.
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