Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in May. 2015
A reproach occurs when someone recriminates something to another person. The recrimination usually occurs in relation to a certain behavior. The act of reproaching supposes, in short, a criticism of another person.
Different ways to reproach
Starting from the general idea that a reproach is a form of criticism, it is possible to reproach something in several ways. Complaining would be the most common means (if a consumer contact a company to communicate your discomfort over poor service is expressing your disagreement for any reason).
In the event that we scold another person, we also reproach him, since we disapprove of what he is doing (the typical case would be a scolding of a child in which his conduct in order to correct you). A variant of the scolding would be the reprimand, which amounts to a kind of sanction verbal and that, deep down, is a reproach.
In language colloquial the expression "Take out the dirty rags" and is used when someone criticizes another person by mentioning some negative aspect of the past and in this case the idea of dirty rags is properly a reproach.
Reproach yourself, and the problem of limiting yourself and affecting behavior
Although the reproach is generally directed at another person, this is not always the case. In fact, you yourself may be the recipient of the reproach. If we are unhappy with our behavior and we consider that we have been wrong, we are reproaching ourselves for something. This way of self-censorship is quite common and is a kind of dialogue with ourselves, in which our conscience disapproves of something we have done.
In the realm of religion: confession
The self-reproach can have another variant: the confession of our faults. In religious confession, whoever exposes his sins or faults to the confessor is presenting a reproach on himself with the intention of being forgiven and cleansing his misconduct.
As can be seen, the act of reproaching has several functions in the communication: as criticism, as a corrective element, as an internal dialogue of a therapeutic nature or to alleviate ourselves spiritually.
Although a reproach can be made in various ways and in different contexts, another important aspect must be taken into account: the use of words. To reproach implies to censor something and this censorship can be harsh and energetic or, on the contrary, softer and more friendly. Thus, the intensity of the reproach depends on how we present it and what words we choose. A reproach may be offensive or conciliatory, with an eagerness critical or with a constructive spirit.
Issues in Reproach