Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jul. 2009
In our language the concept of report is used to designate either a a report or news. For example, it is a term commonly used in various areas such as business, science, investigation and in the mass media.
Then, the report is the document that will be used when you want to inform or give news about a certain issue. It can be used internally within a company, for example, between area managers destined for the general manager to give him a complete idea of the operation of each sector, as well It can be used in an educational establishment, by teachers, to give an account of how a certain question was carried out, and not to mention its use on radio, television or in the press graph to inform about a fact or event that generates public interest because it affects the interests of a large part of the public. That is, with this we want to reaffirm that in many areas the report is usually used to inform about the different matters of interest.
Regarding its characteristics, the report may appear printed, in
Format digital, or in its defect audiovisual, depending on the medium or area in which it circulates, although, basically and as we mentioned above, its objective will be to inform, it may also have different objectives that are not only to inform about something, since the report may include some persuasive elements, such as recommendations or suggestions and also some conclusions through which the reader is indicated some action or conduct to adopt in the future.On the other hand, the report may consist of a conclusion on an investigation carried out and then assume the structure of problems-solutions.
When it is decided that the report is printed, it is usual that it is accompanied by images, graphics, tables and footnotes, all tending to further clarify what is said in words in the report at question.
Due to the information contained in the report, it is a work that will enjoy the appreciation and expectation of the public or people. to which it is addressed, in the case that for example the report is the order made by a third party, such as a boss.
In addition, the report demands exhaustive preparation, that is, its author must gather all the information concerning the subject that occupies it and must provide information and explanations that allow the recipient to understand and inform the respect. Always, its person in charge, its signer, must verify the data or information that it exposes, and in In the cases that correspond, it must recommend the most pertinent solutions to solve the issue at hand. try.
Regarding the composition, the reports will generally take the format of scientific investigations, that is, introduction, goals, equalities and debate, but they will also be able to follow the problem-solution formula and be based on addressing the concerns or questions of the audience to which they were directed previously.
Obviously and according to the complication of the subject, the audience to which it is intended and the purposes it has, a report can range from the simplest and simple, with titles that designate the topic to be addressed or add, in addition to that, diagrams, graphs, tables, appendices, footnotes, hyperlinks.
Meanwhile, among the data that must be included are: the title, the date of completion and the name of its author or authors.
Report elements and classification
The report is normally made up of six parts that we will describe below... Cover (gives essential information about the author and indicates the title), index (list all the content in an abbreviated way), introduction (the parts of the report and the total number of pages available are indicated), body (complete development of the topic discussed), conclusions (brings together the most outstanding results of the same and that facilitate the resolution of the questions) and bibliography (list in alphabetical order and chronologically the literature that was used to make it).
Meanwhile, the reports can be classified into: scientific (they address issues inherent to science and, for example, use rigid language), technical (they address issues related to science). sociology, the psychology, the anthropology, among others and have a simple language but without losing scientific rigor), of dissemination (they are intended for the general public and therefore have a language accessible to all), expository (describe a topic, provide instructions on something), analytical (argue in favor of decisions or actions) and persuasive (they have the mission of convincing a recipient to align with the idea that is exposed in the report).
Report Topics