Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Ago. 2010
Demolition is the process by which a building or building is demolished or destroyed in a planned manner. building standing. Demolition is the exact opposite of construction, the process by which you build. The demolition is also distinguished from other actions such as the collapse since it is a programmed and planned process according to the specific needs and care of each case. Typically, the demolition process involves taking into account elements of safety, healthiness and others. In addition, demolition can be carried out with different objectives: build new buildings, free up space to make green spaces, eliminate old and dangerous buildings, etc. All of them are part of what is known as town planning or planning urban.
The demolition process can be carried out in many different ways, some less harmful than others for the surrounding public. In this sense, demolition was traditionally carried out mechanically. However, this process could take a long time depending on the capacities and available budget of each case. Another way of demolishing buildings, the one used in the
present, is the implosion, which is executed from the provision of explosives along the entire surface to be demolished. These explosives, placed inside the building, are activated jointly and therefore the demolition only takes a few minutes to become effective.One of the biggest problems that a demolition generates is the amount of chemicals and toxic elements that are thrown into the environment starting not only from the use of explosives but mainly from the disintegration of the different materials used in construction. This is why demolitions are not only the moment in which the act takes effect but it is also a long and careful process of preparation and anticipation of subsequent consequences. To carry out these tasks, engineers, architects and other professionals must work together.
Issues in Demolition