Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jul. 2015
In a general sense deviation is the change in the direction of something. In this way, a path or a draft they present a deviation or detour when it is feasible to take another alternative course.
The concept of deviation expresses in its different uses a common idea: change in some sense; in terms of the direction, the form or the content of that which leaves one situation for another.
Sexual deviation
Human sexuality is complex and presents two tendencies: a sexuality considered within the canons normal and generalized and, on the other hand, a series of infrequent inclinations, also known as paraphilias. The different paraphilias are valued as sexual deviations. Some are understood with a certain normality (for example, fetishism), while others are rejected by the majority (zoophilia or pedophilia).
The concept of sexual deviance has also been used in relation to homosexuality. At present, terms such as "sexual deviation" are no longer used to refer to the homesexual collective, as they are considered discriminatory, offensive and not respectful of the sexual inclinations of each person. However, there are some sectors of the
population or certain cultures that consider homosexuality to be a attitude deviated.Deviation as mathematical data
The statistics is a discipline instrumental that allows knowing numerical data about any reality. One of the calculations of this discipline is the standard deviation, which is a measure to calculate variables and intervals and allows to calculate the arithmetic average of certain data variables.
In an economic sense, we speak of budgetary deviation, which normally indicates an increase in expenses that was not initially foreseen in the budget. elaboration of a budget. Also in an economic context there may be a deviation from the deficit, the selling price or a performance audit.
Deviation in medicine
In medicine it is possible to establish a border between health and disease. Thus, everything that is far from the average parameters is, in some way, a deviation, which produces pain or some type of organic dysfunction. In ophthalmology there is ocular deviation, also known as strabic eye. In trauma, a bone can deviate from its natural location (for example, in the nasal septum or in the knee). Column deviations are also typical. In any circumstance, it is necessary to perform some type of test to specify the degree of deviation in each case (radiographs are very useful to pinpoint and measure the severity of a anomaly).
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