Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2010
Thirst is the desire and need to drink experienced by an individual or an animal caused by their instinct Basic that requires you to incorporate fluids into the body.
It also turns out to be a mechanism for regulating the content of Water in the body and one of the first signs that dehydration marks us.
There are two main reasons that cause thirst in a person or an animal, on the one hand, the aforementioned, the lack of proper hydration and on the other hand the increased concentration of you go out minerals.
As in any automatic system or mechanism, when the volume of water in the body drops considerably for one of the two reasons mentioned, the brain, the one that governs almost everything when the functioning the thing is about our body, it will provoke thirst so that the person or animal in question satisfies it accordingly.
In case the satisfaction water is not correct or does not occur in any way will be plausible to trigger a series of organic complications, including neurological and renal.
While too much thirst, formally called polydipsia It can be a symptom of diabetes.
This state is characterized by a abnormal increase in thirst that will lead the individual experiencing it to ingest a huge amount of fluid. Other causes of it can be: use of certain drugs, intake of some highly seasoned food, bleeding, excess glucose.
Polydipsia is by no means a diseaseInstead, it is a symptom, that is, it is the consequence of something. To find out what has caused the polydipsia, medicine orders a fluid deprivation test on the person with the symptom and then blood and urine tests.
On the other hand, thirst may be the need for water or moisture presented by certain things such as plants and fields.
And the use of the word thirst is also widely used to account for the burning and irrepressible desire that you feel for a certain thing or person. The murder of her brother awakened her thirst for Justice.
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