Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
We understand by symposium it is a type of social gathering in which diverse individuals come together to debate, chat and exchange ideas on a previously established agenda. Today, the concept is almost exclusively related to talks of the type academic in which one or more specialists expose and develop theories on different topics for a previously organized and registered audience.
The word symposium comes from the Greek and means the action of 'drinking together'. This is so because in ancient times the symposium event was the time when different men gathered to enjoy a banquet, with large amounts of food and drink. It was therefore a social gathering in which the reason little and nothing mattered but the fact of getting together to enjoy a long time was central. However, the discussion Y debate timely themes were also present, although all of them had to do with the aristocratic lifestyle of the upper social classes.
In the present, a symposium is an academic meeting in which a
exposition relatively more open and more accessible than a theoretical class. At least two essential parts must appear in an academic symposium, although a third can also help its proper development. In this sense, we must speak of the expert or experts who will speak about the chosen topic as well as the public that attends and who will be able to to intervene timely for questioning or refute what has been exposed. The third part is that of the coordinator who will be in charge of organizing the actions and who will know when each starts and ends. stage of the symposium.In general, when we talk about symposia from an academic point of view, we are talking about short-term events. duration that can include a time of between fifteen or twenty minutes of exposure for each speaker as well as a similar period for questions from the attendees.
Symposium Topics