Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jul. 2013
The word alternate we use it in our language to indicate to that or that who supplies, replaces another in their functions.
That or that which replaces another in their function or action
In the activity, profession, or task whatever, the substitute has the same knowledge, skills, aptitudes, that the one he replaces so as not to cause an absurdity or a complication in the activity that is carried out.
Causes: illness, leave, vacation ...
In the scope of sport and of the educationIt is where we mostly find the concept of substitute since in these the professional who enters with the mission of deploying the same work that the owner was doing will be called that.
Normally it occurs as a result of some illness, injury or particular inconvenience suffered by the owner and that then makes it difficult for him to do business.
The teacher or substitute teacher, for example, will cover, replace, a teacher who belongs to the regular and permanent staff and who entered leave for x reason, in the functions that correspond to him and within
institution educational that has him hired as such.On the other hand, in sports, a substitute player is one who, although he is part of the active and official squad of a team that competence, remains in what is known as Bank of substitutes and, by case, does not integrate basic and usual training.
Generally, in the event of injury or any other eventuality suffered by a starting player, the substitute player will have to enter in his place.
Although there are substitute players who have a great quality Of course, they are relegated to general consideration for not being part of the starting team.
But there are also other cases in which due to the injury of the starting player, his substitute enters who is performs with normal efficiency and ends up taking ownership, becoming the replaced alternate.
There are professional activities that yes or yes, due to their relevance, will demand that if the professional or owner encounters any problem that prevents you from carrying out his work, is replaced by another who has the same skills and knowledge.
The substitute helps to avoid problems of functioning or effectiveness in the work or activity
For example, a surgeon who has already scheduled surgeries but is suffering from a health problem should be replaced by another who takes up his agenda so that patients are not left without his attention correspondent.
But this situation also occurs a lot in companies, when an employee resigns from his position or when he takes leave for illness, or his vacation, is usually replaced by another, especially if he performs some basic and fundamental task for him functioning according to the company.
Let's think of a secretary, an essential employee to keep her boss's agenda, answer the phone, answer emails, attend to suppliers and clients, among other actions, if she must be absent from her work for a long time due to any situation, her boss must replace her if or if.
In these cases you can resort to an agency of human Resources to take care of selecting a secretary who complies with the profile which must be replaced, or failing that, many companies tend to move an employee from their traditional job to occupy the vacant position for as long as it is needed.
Ideally, to avoid problems in the operation of the area is that the replaced professional has suitability and knowledge to carry out the position for which he was summoned because otherwise instead of helping complicate the work.
Among the most common synonyms for this word are those of interim and auxiliaryMeanwhile, the concept that opposes it is that of headline, which is precisely used to designate that individual who exercises a position or a profession with a title and officiallyIn other words, the institution or organization on which he depends considers him effective and authorized.
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