Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Apr. 2009
It is known as fallacy to that reasoning logical a priori, in which its result is independent of the truth that can be proposed by the premises that led us to reach it.
For example, to better illustrate what we are saying, if we say, Martín is very good at playing soccer, therefore Martin is very good, but of course and how easily we can detect, this conclusion It is a fallacy, because in reality we refer to the good behavior of Martín but inside a soccer field, then and outside of it it may be that Martín is a malicious person and bad feelings. Actually this question arises in this particular case by the ambiguity which bears the term good, which makes of course the premise is true but its conclusion is not.
Although put like this it seems a fairly simple, understandable and easy to detect question, in reality, in most of the times of our daily life we do not realize that a good part of the statements of politicians and also some advertising spots are find their messages invaded and structured through fallacies, better, again let's turn to the examples to clarify the question…
When a politician tells another you don't have the authoritymoral to talk about this or that question, go if we have heard that statement in campaign times, in reality referring to that issue you are attacking him personally, more than anything his credibility, so that the Voters believe it and act accordingly, that is, it does not attack him directly but does so through that question, which constitutes a fallacy.
On the other hand, the fallacy is a resource also widely used by the advertising when it comes to selling products, for example, when hiring a celebrity or a person who for a certain reason turns out to be a model or example for the common people to sell a product or service that has nothing to do with what they do, for example, an actor promoting a fragrance. Of course, the actor is not an expert in the field, which makes it a fallacy to buy the perfume just because Antonio Banderas tells me, that is, there is no prior recognition as an expert in perfumes that endorses his recommendations as certain. This type of fallacy is known as the authority fallacy.
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