Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2015
Each of the features of a person's face
We use the concept of faction in our language With several senses.
One of the most recurrent uses that we give to the word is to name each of the traits of a person's face.
Factions, some more harmonious than others, are what normally determine that someone is considered as attractive and beautiful, or quite the opposite, that he takes it as very ugly.
A person who is not satisfied with his natural features can modify them thanks to the various and advanced proposals that surgery offers today esthetic.
For example, a person who is not satisfied with his cheekbones, or with his nose, can make a consultation with a plastic surgeon to offer you some alternatives to improve those parts of the face that do not have it according.
Although surgery of this type helps a lot to those people who are dissatisfied with their aesthetics, we must emphasize that it ideal or it is recommended that the person modify those annoyances caused by that faction that they do not like but in a coherent way, without lose their natural appearance, something that unfortunately many times does not happen with some people who are not well advised by the professionals.
Each group that intervenes in a conflict or dispute
Moreover, the word is used at the behest of a conflict or a confrontation to designate each group that intervenes in that dispute. Generally, in wars or any other conflict there are two parties, two warring factions, who confront each other because they have different interests and considerations, which of course confronts them.
Gang or band that arises after a break with a group to which it belonged
And the word is also used to designate the gang or the side that arises after a break with a group to which it belonged.
In the politics This situation of rupture usually occurs a lot and that in return generates a faction that expresses the opposite of the group to which it knew how to belong.
A person who actively belongs to a faction and who is normally armed to defend what his faction supports and defends will be called factional.
Faction Topics