Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2015
Institution that brings together and governs all football associations in the world
FIFA is the abbreviated name for the Fédération Internationale de Football Association, which is the institution that gathers and governs all the football associations in the world. In other words, in terms of international football policies, it is FIFA who understands the highest body.
It arises from the need for an organization that regulates, controls and defends the interests of those who play soccer
Its origin dates back to the beginning of the last century, in 1904, more precisely on May 21, 1904, with the city of Zurich being its headquarters. In these years, the diffusion and soccer practice had transcended the borders of their place of origin, England, then, the players and the rest of the actors Interveners began to demand the creation of an organization that regulates, controls and defends the interests of those who practice this sport.
Organize the World Cup and can modify and define the football rules
In addition to being the organizer of the most relevant world soccer competition such as the World Cup or Soccer World Cup and many others of notoriety and tracing international, FIFA, together with four organizations from England, the F. TO. Board International, which is the only body capable of defining and modifying the rules of the most popular and practiced game in the world.
Currently, FIFA brings together 209 federations from various countries on the planet, meanwhile, the Admission to it is open to those federations that deal with the formal organization of football on the nation to which they belong.
Corruption and bribery scandal that marked the downfall of its president Joseph Blatter
It is impossible, with regard to FIFA, not to mention the recent corruption and bribery scandal that has plagued it and that continues to have it in check in the Justice American who is the one who investigates the harsh accusation. Several leaders of FIFA and other organizations closely linked to it, such as CONMEBOL (Confederacy Sudamericana de Fútbol) and soccer-related businessmen were formally charged with the aforementioned crimes after the statement of a repentant FIFA leader.
The figures of the scandal are millionaires and have touched even the very president of the institution, the Swiss Joseph Blatter, who despite having been reelected in the midst of the scandal, he decided to resign shortly from his position, thus leaving the path of succession free and, as many hope for a replacement Y cleaning in FIFA with new and honest leaders.
As we know, the world of soccer moves millions and millions of dollars around the world, and of course, the interests and ambitions are many and unfortunately they end up generating events like the ones described that do nothing more than cloud a game as beautiful as the football.
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