Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2009
The word music designates that art of organizing in a sensible and logical way the coherent combination of silences and sounds using as guiding parameters to carry out and successfully such an activity the fundamental principles of the melody, harmony and rhythm, which will also be subject to and intervened by complex and sometimes unpredictable psycho-emotional processes.
Although the concept of music and what is understood by it has evolved over the years, of course and moving away from the conception before everything unitary that in ancient times was promoted, placing it together and inseparably from other expressions such as poetry and dance, never lost, but on the contrary, it always conserved that purely artistic origin that will define and determine it and that is ultimately to which it is will evoke when currently some composers mistakenly call something as music and that of course escapes the traditional concept and popular.
The main task that the music of yesterday, today and always will have, had and will have is to provoke some kind of reaction or aesthetic experience in the listener, because with music mostly ideas will be expressed, feelings, thoughts, some sad circumstances, others more joyful, but always, always, the purpose will be to communicate some question and that of course this generate a reaction in the listener, that is, never, a music can not produce anything to the listener, even if it produces such unpleasant reactions such as rejection or repulsion for its melody or for what it says, a music will be more than fulfilling its purpose, which is to provoke a result in the other.
Music is composed of two basic elements that are sounds on the one hand and silences on the other.. Sound is what sounds, the sensation perceived by our ears, permeable to those pressure variations generated by the movement vibrations of sound bodies and which are basically transmitted by the air. And silence is the perceptible absence of sound.
The relevance of music for the human being
In addition to these intrinsic and extrinsic considerations, music, then, served, serves and will serve human beings so that we create climates, situations, to accompany some of our worst or best moments, to cover uncomfortable silences, a feeling loneliness, to have fun, to fall in love, that is to say, plain and simple, music can accompany whoever wishes it every moment of his life.
Since man set foot in creation and began to interact with his surroundings, music accompanied him, it was his faithful and tireless companion, who from nature and naturally would provide him with various music natural. There are many theories that precisely support this consideration that the origin of music must be found exclusively in the nature since it would have arisen from the need of man to imitate some sounds of nature that marveled his ears.
It is also important that we emphasize that music is surrounded by a very special mystique since it amazes and amazes and cannot be explained with much rationality even that emotion direct and unanimous that it produces when it reaches the human ear.
This unique imprint of music can be seen simply when we listen to a song that suddenly and without having heard it before makes us cry with emotion and for no reason. We refer to this circumstance when we talk about the magical power that music has always held in people.
Music heals: music therapy
Music is happiness, it is entertainment, it is pleasure, but it is also an efficient therapeutic action when applied scientifically within the framework of a patient's recovery treatment. There are many ways to apply music in the field of health and there are also many therapeutic cases in which it can be applied and with proven success.
Proof of the above is the diffusion that the practice has reached throughout the world, already being an established and recognized career within the area of medicine.
For example, music therapy improves the cognitive, physical, emotional and spiritual capacity of a Elderly.
Also, at the request of pregnancy, music therapy offers many benefits for the baby and the mother. Mainly because it helps them relax during the wait and before the mutual encounter.
And in the treatment of severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, dementia, Parkinson's, among others, music therapy, much is evidenced effectiveness in curing some of its complex symptoms.