Definition of Electrical Engineering
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2013
The electricity, electromagnetism and electronics are the fields of study of the electric engineering, one of the most popular branches within engineering. Meanwhile, it is nourished by physics and mathin order to plan both systems and equipment that facilitate the generation, transport, the use and distribution of electric power.
It should be noted that although electricity captured the interest of science from approximately the seventeenth century, it would not be until the nineteenth century that electrical engineering would be recognized as raceprofessional in the whole world, because until that moment it was associated with physics.
Over time, electrical engineering has dealt with solving all those problems that are associated with high-power electrical systems, such is the case of electrical systems that transmit Energy and the control of the motors.
Meanwhile, it has left in the hands of its sub-branch, the electronic Engineering, the treatment of systems that have a lower power.
The electrical engineer, as the professional who works in this area is called, will be formed from knowledge of physics and mathematics, the latter being the one that will allow you to carry out abstraction to the maximum in order to better understand the phenomena electromagnetic.
But not only in mathematics and physics should this professional be trained, it will also be necessary for them to have knowledge about mechanics and materials science in order to know how to choose satisfactorily the most suitable materials for this or that app.
As a consequence, the problems to be solved in electrical engineering are complex and associated with other disciplines, it is necessary that the An electrical engineer is trained with a solid base of the aforementioned knowledge that will allow him to solve more effectively the setbacks that may arise. arouse.
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