In Spanish, the combination E + vowel is very rare at the beginning of a word, except in the case of E + U. For example: euchastity, euphoric, euro.
There are a large number of words that the combination E + vowel contains, forming either a diphthong (for example: adeudo, homogeneiczar) or a hiatus, these are made up of two contiguous vowels, but in different syllables (for example: to theeathorium, lactumeo, craneanot).
adeudo | despreocupada | lheydo |
to theeathorium | deugives | leucoitus |
alfhimczar | eóliquor | leudante |
áureo | eón | freeea |
balancear | eucalipto | musheystico |
stammeredeo | eucharismatic | neucute |
boycotteador | eufemism | neurological |
boxeador | euphoria | oleoduct |
blackmailear | Eurasia | youeo |
chapoteo | euro | osteoporosis |
chimneyea | Euclothing | patear |
gossipeo | galeón | protheyna |
sparkeante | geospelling | recreation |
conteo | glasear | reiI swim |
coreospelling | homogeneiczar | reiincident |
deidad | Indoeuropeo | teolodge |
desaceitado | lacteo | veintidós |
to theeathorium | blackmailear | freeea |
balancear | chimneyea | patear |
boycotteador | sparkeante | recreation |
boxeador | glasear | craneanot |
aceicough | engrheydo | protheyna |
cuneiform | spontaneouseidad | reiI swim |
cruceiro | frheyr | lheydo |
áureo | geósphere | paireo |
stammeredeo | goeolodge | peor |
despreocupado | leobrown | prorrateo |
geometer | paleolithic | teolodge |
stammeredeo | hermenheethics | neurosis |
deudor | leucoitus | neuthron |
eucalipto | leugive | pseudonym |
physiotherapist | neuscab | psychotherapyeuta |
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