The letter H (hatchet) is the only letter of the Spanish alphabet that does not have a sound, that is, its pronunciation is not phonetic. It is also called "silent letter".
There are two exceptions where the H forms sounds:
The letter H can be found:
Habano | Hhawk | Hhexagon |
Haber | Huerta | Hidrography |
Hgrandmother | Hsettlement | Hipérbaton |
Hagile | Huella | Hipérbole |
Hability | Heterodox | Hipodermis |
Hspeak | Hethereal | Homophobia |
Hablation | Heterosexual | Horrible |
Hspeak | Hreluctance | Horror |
Hacer | Hpole | Hostile |
Hacedor | Hastío | Hospital |
Hstoked | Hawai | Hospedar |
Hacha | Hgoverness | Hueco |
Hache | Hallar | Hhang up |
Hacia | Hazaña | Hormiga |
Hacienda | Hazmer laugh | Hsink |
Hacination | Horphan | Hondo |
Hacker | Hbuckle | Hgo |
HHello | Hemoglobin | Hamaca |
Haiti | Hepic | Hguests |
Hpraise | Hepatitis | Horno |
TOhí | Fromhthat | Rehacer |
TOhnow | Deshacer | Rehon |
Sunrisehhere | Desheye | Gohmind |
Bahía | Onhebrar | Gohicle |
Bohemio | Formerhibir | Zanahoria |
Poophuete | Inhwing | Cohibir |
Abarbechar | Chanchor | Cuchillo |
Acechamment | Chimenea | Cucuruchor |
Achabacar | Chomba | Duchto |
Alcachofa | Chorizo | Ponchor |
Bochorno | Chgold | Sanchor |
Borrachor | Choza | Serruchor |
Cacharro | Chubascos | Champu |
Cachgold | Colchto | ChOpera |
Cachete | Covachto | Trasnochar |
Cambalachand | Listenhto | Muchor |
Cartuchor | Cuchara | Violonchelo |
Chmooring | CuchAron | Washington |
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Words with D | Words with W |
Words with B | Words with K |
Words with Q | Words with Z |