Shift Change Note Example
Job / / July 04, 2021
When for some reason, whether personal or unrelated to ourselves, a shift change is required. This can be achieved through various means:
- Shift change letter
- Shift change request and
- Shift change note
In this case we deal with the shift change note, which occurs when it is a temporary change or is not a very formal job and no formal or administrative procedures are required.
These are documents that can be made without any substantive administrative procedure or no formality whatsoever, which makes them very simple and reduced documents, limited to a simple request similar to a comment and the answer is made in the same tenor.
Example of a simple note for shift change:
July 15, 2014
C. Director:
I, Felipe Romero Díaz, an employee with identification card number 0557863, address the following request:
Motivated by personal reasons, I will need to change the work shift schedule that I have been managing with Previously, which was presented from 09:00 to 13:00 waiting to work momentarily from the hours of 13:00 to 19:00.
I hope you grant me what I requested I say goodbye
Felipe Romero Diaz
Example of note in response to subsequent request:
Empacadora Monterrosa S.A de C.V
New Mexico USA as of July 15, 2014
C. Felipe Romero Diaz
By means of the present, I am writing to inform you of the change of schedule to which it has been subjected, due to the request submitted by you.
Your new work schedule will begin to take effect on Tuesday, July 16, 2014.
Personnel director
Felipe Angeles Robles