Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2012
The word get is the term we currently use in our language to express or account for the obtaining or the achievement of some objective, goal, wish, among other alternatives, that he longed to conquer.
In most situations what is pursued and at some point is obtained, arrives, after having been put to its provision physical and economic efforts.
Almost all the goals, objectives, or plans that we propose in life human beings have as their primary mission to achieve something, an end, rewarding, of course, and that is why despite knowing that you have to invest various kinds of forces to achieve it, anyway, you keep going because the reward that will be achieved in the end is worth it person.
Although in most cases it turns out to be essential put into practice the desire and strength to achieve what is desired, it may also happen that this issue is achieved thanks to the intervention from another, from a third party, who precisely has the power and ability to allow us to achieve what we want and then, by observing that effort or
performance that someone presents facilitates achievement Of the objective.It should be noted that there is an important variety of synonyms for the term in question, although those of obtain and achieve They turn out to be the ones we use the most in this regard.
On the side of the word obtain we can precisely express the achievement of what is expected, wanted or requested and also the achievement of a product from the job of others. And when it comes to achieving, the question goes on the same side since through the word it is possible to refer to that what you were looking for was achieved, I expected.
Meanwhile, the concept that is directly opposed to achieving is that of to lose, which will mean precisely not achieving what is desired. Despite the effort I invested, I did not get a place in the faculty that I wanted.
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