Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2008
It is known as crisis to that period or situation in which the current normality loses its substance, giving place and giving priority to abrupt changes or difficulties.
A crisis can affect an individual person, a group, a institution or in a wider range to an entire country even, that is, no one is exempt from suffering from a situation like this at some time in life, since, if the crisis does not touch him personally for a particular issue, it may be that by affecting some area of the country in which you live, this phenomenon ends up touching it in some way way.
So, as I was saying, there are countless crises... Among the most common and likely to affect most of the human beings that inhabit this planet are the crisis of government, economic crisis and nervous breakdown, to name a few of the most common.
A government crisis It is that period of change that the government of a given country will star in when some situation, such as the adoption of some measure that caused a deep repulsion in public opinion, forces the resignation of the president and therefore that of his entire cabinet, causing a situation of ungovernability. An example of this case can be the one that Argentina had to live back in 2001, when after the resignation of Vice President Carlos Alvarez, the country began to experience a lack of internal and external credibility that led to the loss of power of its president, Fernando De la Rúa and the subsequent adoption of policies that were strongly opposed to the will popular. Of course this situation ended with the resignation of the president. A similar circumstance has been experienced in the communist nations of Eastern Europe, in which a reaction was generated in a chain after the dissolution of the Soviet Union that gave rise to different local states democratic.
Then there are the economical crisis , which are those moments that are characterized by an extremely depressive situation of the evolution of an economic process in which recession prevails. In a recession, the lack of labor supply and the sharp drop in the consumption they are the two most observable and generating issues of a critical scenario. As an example of this situation, do not go very far in time (as in the previous case) and we have as a faithful exponent of this the crisis that these days and for a long time has affected the economy of the United States that has not only generated a sharp drop in credit and consumption, but also a significant drop in employment, like other more characteristic situations that are generated in a crisis economical. Although the United States has begun a gradual, slow and difficult recovery process, this crisis still hits hard notable emphasis on certain members of the European Union, among which Greece, Portugal, Italy and, to a large extent, Spain. These nations suffer high unemployment rates, intense cuts to subsidies and promotion plans, sharp tax increases and great discontent on the part of their inhabitants.
And finally there are the nervous breakdown, which are those that occur as a consequence of some traumatic situation that a person must live, the death of a loved one, the loss of employment, a divorce, among others and that cause a sudden and acute depression or anxiety in those who suffer from it, making their attention necessary and immediate medical. Some of these crises are not just an intense and serious manifestation of stress or inappropriate adaptation to a shocking situation, which characterizes a personality with scarce resources defense against change. However, when these crises multiply in number or tend to persist over time, the outcome may result in a neurosis or, in the worst case, in true mental illnesses that deteriorate health and, above all, all the quality of life of people. This is especially important in relation to depression, generalized anxiety disorder and that disease of our time called syndrome of post-traumatic stress, in which an event that triggered a crisis at one point in life precipitates months or even years later a large agglomeration of anguish and sadness difficult to treat.
Issues in Crisis