Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2013
The word gardening designates both art as the technique of gardening.
The culture from flowers, trees, vegetables, vegetables, among others, it can be done in an open space or in a closed one and normally it is not done with a motivation to achieve economic profit but mainly for the pleasure of doing it, for the aesthetics that the space in question brings to have a cultivated garden, or for the purpose of providing the family from food fresh.
The concept of gardening began to prevail towards the end of the 18th century and as a result of the promotion that it carried out the French naturalist and lawyer Antoine Joseph Dezallier d’Argenville on the subject. d’Argenville was a court minister during the reign of Louis XV and a great lover of gardens, meanwhile, on it he would write a treatise that would cause an enormous sensation in his time. Meanwhile, many years before, in the ancient civilization egyptian, the garden was known to attribute an important connotation in social and
politics, since the great garden was unequivocal symbol of success and prosperity.It should be noted that the practice of gardening or taking care of the garden does not turn out to be a very onerous activity, but rather a very large garden area. Today there are many utensils and machines, such as rake, shovels, watering cans, lawn mower, edger and forklifts, among others, that help the man and that are easy to handle without the need to have a great knowledge in the theme.
You can even do without the hiring from a professional if you have an easy-care garden.
To the individual who is professionally dedicated to the cultivation of gardens is known as a gardener and currently enjoy of a great labor demand since many people have turned to life in suburban spaces where the green. The absence of the precise time to take care of the garden makes people hire a professional to do it. On the other hand, the proliferation of houses with gardens has made the industry that supplies gardening grow enormously.
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