Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2010
Known as one of the most tender and particular animals, the koala is a marsupial native (and at some point endemic) to the island of Australia, where it lives in its habitat natural. The koala is a animal medium to small that belongs to the family Phascolartidae and its scientific name is precisely Phascolarctos cinereus. The koala is easily recognizable by its thick, grayish coat, round head, and strong claws that allow it to hold onto tree and shrub trunks.
The koala are nocturnal animals, that is, they are not so easily observable during the day. They live much of their life clinging to the trunks of trees and they live in them since they are arboreal animals. Is activity nocturnal has to do with protecting yourself from predators, mainly eagles and owls. They usually live in numerous societies that are very companions, although from time to time and at different stages of life they can also live alone. It's easy to identify to mothers who carry their young on their backs or in their marsupial pouch. As is known, koalas feed almost exclusively on eucalyptus and to get this plant they live by climbing trees.
Despite being in a grade low concern regarding the status of your conservation, it is true that koalas have lost one important part of their natural habitat due to human advance and uncontrolled felling of trees. Normally, koalas usually weigh around eight kilos although there are some species bigger and smaller ones. The greyish fur is white on the inside of the body and also quite thick, covering the entire body of the animal. The koala also has rounded ears, very small eyes and a prominent nose that allows it to have a well-developed sense of smell.
Themes in Koala